Sep 6, 2015

When Relationships Collide

"When Relationships Collide". 
Conflict is everywhere around us and it touches every life that is born into this world. From something as simple as two members of the congregation wanting to sit in the same church pew or something as devastating as a broken marriage.  We learn that the Bible does not shy away from difficult issues, which includes conflict. When you read scripture one is confronted with the good, the bad, and the ugly in people's lives.  We identify very easily with many of these people in scripture because the bible often serves as a mirror of our own lives in conflict.

If you have not been to Sunday School lately you are missing out on some great sessions on all levels.  The Sunday school has been restructured somewhat, we now have three adult classes studying/discussing the sermon in depth from he previous week lead by RF Pennington, Rob Phillips, Greg Davis.

Like Solomon wrote, "There nothing new under the sun", with that in mind being under pressure is nothing new.  James was writing to the 1st century church who was encountering great and intense pressure. Persecution dispersed the new church so do we live our faith in our heads or live it our in our lives? There was the pressure to compromise when temptation arose or shrink back in times of trial. Then there was the pressure to tank into prejudicial preference when new people came into the church. What about the pressure of controlling the tongue (gossip/rumors/etc.)? Have you ever gave in to the pressure of having your own way? How about getting even when mistreated? James encouraged the believers to allow these pressures to drive them deeper in their relationship with Jesus. Pressure can be a positive thing that leads one to experience the presence and power of God.

Running from conflict is not the answer but learning how to deal with it in a healthy, God honoring way is the thing to do.  God wants to work his will in the middle of our conflicts, so don't fret.  If you allow Him to work in our lives He will show us the sources and the solutions to our conflicts. 
So let me encourage you to come on out to Sunday School and join us in one of the discussion groups.

For further information see our webpage <> or our Face Book page.

In Christ,

Twitter: dragoncoach1

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